L'aethen Sangrine


Short, unassuming, sassy, ready to make friends, and very pink. She is playful and friendly, always nice to anyone she meets, and very industrious. As a hard worker of the finer crafts, she maintains her own workshop in Ul'dah. Originally from Gyr Abania, her tribe all had naturally red hair, anywhere from a fiery red to a crimson red. However, she was born with pink, and thus it is the color she has embraced. The whisker face paint? Just another facet of her personality.


Race: Miqo'te
Tribe: Seekers of the Sun, Viper
Gender: Female
Height: 5 fulms, 0 ilms
Weight: 115 ponze
Age: 28 summers
Occupation: Craftsman, Trade, EngineeringHobbies: Sword Fighting,
Managing her side business at the Snuggly Moogle
Prominent Features: Pink hair, face markings on forehead and cheeks, a scar across her nose running from lower right up to her left eye's inner corner, a darkened noseFamily: An estranged father from the viper tribe, and a missing mother, she grew up in Ul'dah as a refugee urchin until she was taken in by a kindly merchant as an apprentice. He's the one true person she can think of as family. She rarely speaks of him, but when she does it's with great fondness.Likes: Honesty, sincerity, hard work, many-topping pizza, massages, Hingashi culture, fishingDislikes: Dishonesty, intimidation, sweet things on pizza

A younger L'aethen as a blacksmith's apprentice, with her hair dyed a darker red. 15 summers old. Credit: Suzy Penrose

19 summers old, before the scarring of her nose. Credit: Anonymous gift

26 summers old, and a special trip to Hingashi. Credit: Shiro https://www.patreon.com/shiroxchann

Chibi L'aethen. Credit: Callie Catte

Maid L'aethen, Working at the Snuggly Moogle! Credit: Mitsy

The Tail of a Pink Catte

At her youngest age, she has hazy memories of her home in Gyr Abanian, a somewhat dry area with desert foliage. Her tribe lived in large well-structured tents. Her mother, as one of the females of the tribe, tended to the livestock kept and tanned hides. L'aethen remembers very little of tribal life, as at the first signs of Garlean scouting parties and the precursors to war, her mother fled with her to the City-state of Ul'dah.In Ul'dah they lived together in a tent, among a refugee camp. She had three summers with her mother like this, with her mother working the afternoons and days, and coming home late in the night. One day, her mother did not return, and L'aethen was left to fend for her own well being.Many of the other children in the camp went out onto old battle fields and ruins to scrounge for scraps and relics, which were then sold to craftsmen, smiths, and traders. Through her industrious undertakings, L'aethen eventually found herself gathering materials for a single smith, who soon took her as an apprentice, until she herself became proficient at craft and trade in her own right.At nineteen summers, she spent much of her saved up gil buying lessons with a master swordsman at the gladiator's guild, allowing her to venture into more dangerous ruined battledfields, frequented by bandits and relic poachers. After several more summers working herself up as a common name spoken of among the other traders, she finally bought her own workshop.She frequently runs trade routes between Eorzea and other lands, particularly the far east and Ivalice, and has had three apprentices of her own, who have gone on to become master craftsmen.


She spends her days laboring away in her workshop, venturing out to find new contacts and friends, as well as running a side business she helped to establish, the Snuggly Moogle, a maid and butler café where she tends to patrons in her maid attire. After work, she tries to spend time with friends and other compatriots, or just finding relaxation in a hot bath.During her time in her workshop, she often has automatons making established patterns of clothing and armor. With nothing to do but watch the automatons do their work, she took up writing. It started as a hobby, but upon sharing it with a publisher friend she made, was published and quickly became a common name among those who read romance novels.Knowing very little about romance personally, she bases her books off of other material she has read, and writes a very fantasized version of romance, with intimate scenes using flowery verbiage. She will often use the people she meets and befriends as a basis for her characters. Marie Lovelace is her pen name, though she will never openly admit it to anyone, and has sworn a death curse upon her publisher should he ever reveal it to anyone.The likelihood of finding a Marie Lovelace book among any romance collection is high, with titles such as "The Flowers of Ishgarde", a story of forbidden romance between a commoner and a noble. "The Maid and the Lady Fair", a story of a lady of Ul'dah and her maid's affair. But little known to the lady, her husband also has eyes for the maid. "The Dark Horse", a young loving couple must cope with the trials of war time when the boy is sent off to war. In his absence, she finds a dark rider in the woods of the Black Shroud, and must make a choice. These are just a few of the Marie Lovelace novels.